Saturday, November 20, 2010

Where The Creative Juices Flow Like Wine

Ok, so one ridiculous reason why I absolutely love being around my brother, well aside from the fact that he hisses like a cat on a daily basis, I love how we can quote Dumb and Dumber together. I feel like that movie has been instrumental in our up bringing. Dumb and Dumber along with Indiana Jones and Ace Ventura.

It has been a slow process here, taking footage for the trailer, editing, and brainstorming. Shoot. Just getting a group consensus for a background color took two days. BUT good god has it paid off. The more time that goes into each work, the better it becomes. I'm really happy with the way everything is coming out.

This is Davin's genius graphic design. I either looks like I'm saying "Hey guys, follow me, it's all down hill from here." Or "Hey guys, F you."

I felt honored when I was assigned to creating the shots that would display our route. This is what I'm talking about. My first attempt was a little rushed and lacking the touch we wanted but once a little more time and thought went into it, we all put our heads together, and the creative juices flowed like wine. The outcome was beautiful. I love this kind of stuff.

I keep saying, hopefully the video will be up tomorrow. Tomorrow. TOMORROW! But with the way things have gone today, it looks like it will actually be up tomorrow. Check out the FB page:


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